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Submission Guidelines

— Submissions in the form of reviews, full-length original articles, preliminary and/or short communications, commentaries, as well as reports and/or proceedings of relevant meetings, the latter to be compiled in Special or Topical Issues, are considered for publication.
— No strict limitations on length are imposed; however, concise writing is encouraged.
— There are no explicit requirements for the organization of the main text. The authors may organize their manuscript as best suits their work. However, structuring in the order Abstract (as concise as possible), Introduction, Results, Discussion, Methods (or Experimental), and References, followed by Figure Legends in numerical order, is recommended. Subheadings in the main body of the text are allowed.
— Submission should contain a cover letter (which includes the affiliation and contact information for the corresponding/senior author), a manuscript text file, individual figure files, and optional supplementary material (for reviewers) (The figures may be inserted in the text at the appropriate positions, or grouped at the end.)
— In their cover letter, the authors may suggest names and contact information for potential reviewers whom they consider competent for evaluating their work.
— Generally, throughout the manuscript abbreviations should be restricted to a minimum. Where unavoidable, they should be defined in the text (or figure legends) at their first occurrence.
— Only the following file types can be uploaded for the text: ZIP(compressed), Microsoft Word and as a PDF. File size should not exceed 35MB. Please provide the images, graphs, chart etc. in a separate folder. A Submission Template is available (see below).
Tables should be included in the main text document in an editable format (preferably, Word, Tex/LaTex)...
Equations and mathematical expressions should be provided within the main text of the manuscript in an editable format (e.g., preferably “Equation Editor” of Microsoft Word).
Figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals according to their occurrence in the text. Figure lettering should be in a clear typeface (preferably Helvetica), which is to be used in the same font size in all figures in a manuscript.
— To avoid delays and optimal results, all line art, graphs, charts, schemes should be delivered in vector format such as EPS or AI.
Photographs and bitmap images should be supplied in image formats such as tiff, jpg, or psd. Minimum resolution: 300 dpi.
Chemical structures should be produced by using ChemDraw or a similar program in the same font size throughout the manuscript. All structural chemical formulae should be assigned bold Arabic numerals according to the order they are referred to in the main text.
— For any copyright-protected material (i.e., figures, tables, illustrations of any kind, as well as pictures taken by professional photographers), the authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce.

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